There are three types of dreams:
1. Rehmaani (from Allah Almighty)
2. Nafsaani (from self)
3. shaytani (from Shaytaan).
The dreams of Prophets were revelations (Wahi) and were free of any influence of Shaytaan. Dreams of a normal man can be classified as true and false dreams. True dreams are those which become a reality, false dreams can be tricks and games from the Shaytaan or can be because of the influence of daytime thoughts. Shaytan has a big role in the occurrence of the dreams but recitation of Azkaar can keep him away.
It should be kept in mind that while telling a dream to anyone, one should not add anything to it and should not subtract anything from it. It is strictly forbidden in Islam to tell a lie about having a dream.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “If anyone of you has a dream that he likes then it is from Allah. He should thank Allah for it and narrate it to others.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).According to a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari, bad dreams should not be mentioned to anyone.
Abu Qutaadah said: The Prophet (SAW) said: “Good dreams come from Allaah, and (bad) dreams come from Shaytaan. Whoever sees something that he dislikes, let him spit to his left three times and seek refuge with Allaah from the Shaytaan, for it will not harm him”(Muslim, 5864).
If a believer sees a good dream, he should praise Allah, feel happy and tell it to those whom he loves. If a believer happens to see a bad dream, it is recommended for him to seek refuge with Allah from the evil of the dream and the Shaytaan.
According to Imam Al-Baghavi, dreams can be interpreted in the light of the Quran, in the light of Sunnah, by means of proverbs that are common among the people, by names and by metaphors. Dream interpretations can be correct or they can completely miss the target as human interpretation cannot always be wholly trustworthy. The Prophet (SAW) has warned us that we should not take our dreams for interpretation to the wrong person and believe in his interpretation. Thus, we should take extra care regarding the person to which we are taking our dream for interpretation.
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1. Rehmaani(来自全能的真主)
2. Nafsaani(来自自我)
3. shaytani(来自Shaytaan)。
先知的梦想是启示(瓦希)并且没有任何Shaytaan的影响。一个普通人的梦可以归类为真假梦。真正的梦想是那些成为现实的梦想,虚假的梦想可以是来自Shaytaan的伎俩和游戏,或者可能是因为白天思想的影响。 Shaytan在梦想的发生中扮演着重要的角色,但是Azkaar的背诵可以让他远离。
先知穆罕默德(SAW)说,“如果你们中的任何一个人有他喜欢的梦想,那么它就是来自安拉。他应该感谢阿拉并将其叙述给其他人。“(Sahih Al-Bukhari)。根据Sahih Bukhari的一个圣训,不应该向任何人提出坏梦。
Abu Qutaadah说:先知(SAW)说:“真主来自真主,而(坏)梦想来自Shaytaan。无论谁看到他不喜欢的东西,让他向他的左边吐三次并从Shaytaan寻求真主的庇护,因为它不会伤害他“(穆斯林,5864)。